Sunday, January 26, 2020

Charge of Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm (ABH)

Charge of Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm (ABH) This case requires us to consider whether Harry should be charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH) in view of the guidance contained within the Code for Crown Prosecutors.  Ã‚   The Code lays down the principles which the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) apply when deciding whether to prosecute and any decision is taken in accordance with the Full Code Test (FCT) detailed in section 4. The first stage of the FCT is the Evidential Stage.   The CPS must be satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction and will consider the admissibility and reliability of the evidence.   Here consideration is given to whether the evidence has been obtained in breach of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) 1984, whether it may be excluded under sections 76 and/or 78 and whether it is admissible under Part 11 of Criminal Justice Act 2003.   There is nothing to suggest the evidence is inadmissible under these provisions. Next the reliability, credibility and weight of the evidence must be considered.   Harrys evidence does not give rise to any significant concerns in relation to reliability and/or credibility. He has no previous convictions, is generally well liked and has been provided a good reference by his tutor. Furthermore, the nightclub is described as crowded and while it is unclear whether this description relates to the nightclub in general or at the time of the incident, it lends credibility to Harrys assertion Rob was accidently jostled. Robs evidence is supported by three witness statements which suggests his evidence is also reliable and credible.   However, it would be prudent to consider the relationships between Harry, Chloe and Rob and the role, if any, these may have played in his reporting of the incident. In terms of Chloes evidence, it is not clear how far away from the incident she was or how she came to have an unobstructed view while another witness had his view obscured by other nightclub users. Additionally, while her identification evidence is given increased weight because Harry and Rob are known to her, it is possible her relationship with both men provides a motive for misrepresenting the incident, raising doubts as to the reliability of her evidence. Anitas identification evidence is problematic as her eyesight is poor and she was not wearing her glasses on the evening when the incident took place; raising serious concern about the reliability of her identification evidence. However, these concerns may be mitigated depending on how close she was to the incident, whether she knew Harry and Rob and if she was wearing contact lenses. Devs statement does not give rise to any significant concerns about reliability or credibility. However, it is unclear how Dev could positively identify both men and his statement may suggest the nightclub was crowded giving credence to Harrys assertion that Rob was accidently jostled. Considering the evidence collectively, the Evidential Stage does not appear to be met as it gives rise to reasonable doubt which lessens the prospect of conviction.   Harrys is likely to be considered a reliable witness and his explanation of the incident is plausible.   The witness statements are not sufficiently robust and while witnesses claim to have seen Harry push Rob they have not provide a clear link between Harry pushing Rob and Rob falling and injuring his hand.   Furthermore, it is not clear from the evidence whether the incident and/or witnesses perceptions were affected by their relationship to one another, lighting and/or the consumption of alcohol. The CPS can only move onto the Public Interest Stage of the FCT if the Evidential Stage is satisfied.   Despite the Evidential Stage not having been satisfied the Public Interest Stage will be applied and the importance of each factor contained within section 4.12 of the Code will be considered. ABH is a serious criminal offence. From the evidence, it appears the assault was neither premeditated nor sustained.   No weapon was used and there is no evidence to suggest the suspect intended to cause injury.  Ã‚   Furthermore, Harry has no prior convictions and is of previous good character; therefore, further offending is unlikely.  Ã‚   While the offence is considered serious these factors mitigate his culpability and weigh against prosecution. It does not appear that a position of trust or authority exists between Harry and Rob.   Neither does it appear the attack was discriminatory in nature.   However, it is not clear whether Rob is vulnerable and/or a public servant and does not provide an insight into the impact the assault and/or injuries had on him. In terms of harm caused, the definition of harm is quite wide but in the context of the offence can include injuries which are not especially serious such as minor cuts and scratches. Therefore, Rob suffered injuries which are serious in the context of the offence.   While the harm caused weighs in favour of prosecution it is difficult to consider whether this is appropriate under section s4.12(c) because the circumstance of Rob are unknown. Harry is a university student; therefore, it is reasonable to conclude he is over the age of eighteen.   His age is unlikely to be weighed against prosecution under section s4.12(d). In the absence of a Community Impact Statement it is difficult to assess the effect on the community under s4.12(e).  Ã‚   The assault was not violent or sustained and the suspect is unlikely to re-offend therefore the long-term effect can be assessed as minimal and prosecution may be perceived by the community as excessive.  Ã‚   Conversely, a decision not to prosecute may undermine the confidence of the community and victim in the criminal justice system. The maximum sentence for ABH is five years although in this case it is unlikely Harry will receive a prison sentence and a nominal penalty is expected to be imposed.   Furthermore, conviction may have serious implications for Harry depending on his area of study. Therefore, prosecution may be considered excessive under s4.12(f) given the cost of proceeding to court, the nominal penalty likely to be imposed, and the disproportionate long term effect on Harry. Had the case passed the Evidential Stage and proceeded to the Public Interest Stage more information should be sought on the circumstances of Rob and impact the offending had on the community.   On the face of it however, prosecution does not appear to be in the publics best interest. Applying the Code to the facts of this case the Evidential Stage is not sufficiently satisfied and Harry should not be charged with ABH. In his articles Stop and Search and Police Legitimacy: Part 1 and Stop and Search and Police Legitimacy: Part 2 Neil Parpworth makes a compelling argument for the inclusion of elements of the voluntary Best Use of Stop and Search (BUSS) scheme into statute.   Parpworth considers that while the BUSS scheme promised greater transparency, community involvement and improved stop and search outcomes, delivered by intelligence led approaches and increased monitoring, the report PEEL: Police legitimacy 2015 published by Her Majestys Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) reveals that forces around the country are failing to comply with the scheme.   Parpworth reasons that membership of the voluntary scheme has not driven the desired change and the lack of compliance highlights the need for primary legislation. While intelligence led stop and search is an important police tool, Parpworth argues that the PEEL report reveals a concerning lack of commitment from Chief Constables in terms of ensuring the BUSS scheme is implemented effectively and search powers used legitimately.   Chief Constables play a pivotal role in terms of the internal scrutiny of stop and search yet their leadership in this area was found to be inconsistent.   While some forces had made efforts to ensure the scheme was communicated effectively and its importance recognised, others had made little attempt to communicate the scheme and promote its value.   Parpworth asserts this reluctance to advocate and communicate the importance of the scheme ultimately devalues it, reducing its prospects of success.   This he claims is demonstrated by the perception among officers that the stop and search function operates effectively without the need for additional canons and greater scrutiny. Under section 3 of the PACE 1984 officers are required to record each time they use their stop and search powers; this record should include grounds for the stop and search and show that those grounds were reasonable.   This provision, as Parpworth explains, is reinforced by the BUSS scheme which requires forces record outcomes and publish data about the connection between each search and outcome.   Parpworth argues that while these provisions aim to establish how frequently reasonable grounds were proven to be accurate, PEEL highlights that reasonable suspicion is frequently absent in many instances.   He suggests this indicates the concept of reasonable suspicion is interpreted widely by police officers in practice and that there are marked differences in interpretation between forces.   Moreover, Parpworth expresses concern over searches which were made on the basis that the police officer smelled cannabis. Parpworth suggests that while this is sufficient grounds to justif y a search it is subjective and may provide a convenient way of meeting the statutory requirement for reasonable suspicion, possibly lending itself to an abuse of the stop and search power.  Ã‚   Parpworth also expresses concern that in cases where reasonable suspicion was found to be absent supervisors had endorsed the records of their subordinates.   He suggests this indicates either a lack of understanding at senior level as to what constitutes reasonable suspicion or a failure to exercise due diligence.   Despite the BUSS requirement that the link between stop and outcome be recorded Parpworth interprets the lack of reasonable suspicion as evidence police forces are not monitoring the use of their powers effectively. Equally, while the BUSS scheme aimed to improve the stop to arrest ratio, Parpworth explains that the rates remain relatively low.   Despite HMIC holding the view arrest rates are a misleading measure of success Parpworth explains HMIC do acknowledge the low stop to arrest ratio suggests the power is being used ineffectively. While Parpworth acknowledges that since the scheme has been in place the disproportionate impact on black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) groups has decreased.   He goes on to explain that the PEEL report suggests some forces continue to exercise their powers of stop and search on stereotypical assumptions rather than intelligence or reasonable suspicion.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Parpworth explains that one of the principle reasons for the scheme is to encourage better relationships between the police and the racially diverse communities they serve.   Nevertheless, some police forces could not explain the reason why particular BAME groups had been stopped more often than others despite the provisions within the BUSS scheme.  Ã‚   Parpworth argues that this disproportionality damages the relationship between the police and community and undermines the legitimacy of the police.  Ã‚   Parpworth questions how, if forces are failing to monitor the impact of stop and search on BAME groups, po lice-community relations can improve. Parpworth concludes that despite all forces voluntarily signing up to the scheme when it was launched by the Government in 2014 only eleven forces were found to be fully compliant when assessed in 2015.   Furthermore, thirteen forces were found to be non-compliant with three or more of the five aspects of the scheme and were immediately suspended.   Parpworth suggests the scheme has failed to achieve its intended purpose and that converting elements of the voluntary scheme into statute will compel forces to observe key features of the scheme which should lead to better use of the stop and search power. The IRAC method helped me structure my answer by providing me with a comprehensive analysis framework.   I began by reviewing the facts so I could identify the issue e.g. whether the Evidential Stage had been met.   Then I considered what legal rules applied to the issues I had identified e.g. PACE 1984 and the Code of Crown Prosecutors.   Next I took the legal rules and applied them to the issues I had identified focusing on the facts relevant to the questions to reach the conclusion that the Evidential Stage had not been met.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Conflict Assessment of an Ongoing Sibling Rivalry Using the Wilmot-Hocker Conflict Essay

It’s very common for siblings to fight and it’s not uncommon for sibling to throw a punch or two, but what happens when the fighting becomes hate and aggression towards each other. This form of tension between brothers and sisters is called sibling rivalry. Sibling rivalry is a type of competition or animosity among brothers and sisters, blood-related or not. This type of competition or animosity can cause a rift in the sibling’s relationship with one another, which can result in a multitude of fight (sometimes physical) and many verbal altercations as well. Sibling rivalry can also cause various problems within a household, including favoritism, divorce, and a house that is emotionally divided. Stress within the parent’s lives and children’s lives can create more conflict and increase sibling rivalry. Eighty two percent of people in Western countries have at least one sibling, and siblings generally spend more time together during childhood than they do with parents. The sibling bond is often complicated and is influenced by factors such as parental treatment, birth order, personality, and people experiences outside the family. Sibling rivalry is not unique to Western culture and can involve aggression towards one another. Often, sibling rivalry starts before the second child is born and continues as the children mature and compete for everything from toys to attention. Each child in a family competes to define who they are as an individual and wants to show the world that they are separate from their siblings. Children may often feel they are getting unequal amounts of their parents’ attention, discipline, and responsiveness. Children tend to fight more in families where there is no understanding or boundary set that shows that fighting is not an acceptable way to resolve conflicts, and no alternative ways of handling such conflicting situations. In this conflict assessment we will assess the sibling rivalry of a brother and sister who have had an ongoing issue of animosity towards each other for over fifteen years. Using Wilmot-Hocker’s conflict assessment guide, we will be able to understand  each aspect of the conflict and possibly come to a common ground in which they (the siblings) will be able to get along in a more long-term manner. Through this conflict assessment the siblings will be able to explore the possible solutions to assist in resolving this issue in a sensible manner. The two subjects that will be assessed today are DeMarcus (33 years old) and Danett (25 years old). They are blood related siblings and share the same parents. They’ve been living in consistent animosity of each other for over fifteen years and they continue to fight (physically) and argue. Their parents are tired of this frequent quarrel between them, and the parents feel like the conflict is driving a wedge into their household. The two siblings, now that they are adults, can see the toll their quarrel has caused, within their relationships with others (personal and intimate) outside of their family and also within the frame of their intermediate family. Nature of the Conflict From prior questions asked to the subjects, there are a various number of triggering events that have cause this particular conflict. Numerous acts of belittlement, hatred, physical violence, neglect, bullying, abuse, and threats over the years have escalated this conflict out of control. DeMarcus states that the conflict began when Danett was born and he expressed his dyer need, want and concern for a younger brother. DeMarcus states that Danett has always been an over achiever that has always captured the attention, no matter if the attention was good or bad, of their parents. Danett’s personal concerns and issues became more alarming when she expressed her feelings on why her issue or animosity towards her brother was so strong: â€Å"When I was younger, I lived in the shadow of my older brother. Any activity that my brother was in, I wanted to participate in as well. I was basically the tag-a-long little sister, until I turned the age of ten, then things began to change a bit. One day DeMarcus and his best friend where playing a game and I was in another room. When my brother finished the game with his friend he left to go use the bathroom, leaving his friend unattended. His friend, at that time, got up and came into the room that I was in and began to fondle me. My brother came back to the room to see his friend was gone and decided to search around the house for him. When  DeMarcus came into the room I was screaming, â€Å"Stop! Stop it!† But instead of DeMarcus trying to get his so-called best friend off of me, he sat and watched as I fought to get away from his teenage friend.† â€Å"Later that night when our mother picked us up, I whispered to her that I needed to talk to her about something important and my mother told her that we would discuss it when they got home in private. As soon as we arrived home, I began to tell her mother what happened and immediately she called DeMarcus into the room to question him about the events that took place. DeMarcus stood in my mother’s face and called me a liar and said that it never happened. I was crushed and didn’t know if my mother believed me and I felt abandoned in a sense.† Danett continued to express her concerns of hurt, worthlessness, embarrassment and betrayal, and that her relationship with her brother became a downward spiral of abuse and deceit. When asking DeMarcus about the events that took place, he claimed that he had no recollection of this ever happening, but quickly interject with the comment, â€Å"If she was a boy then that wouldn’t have happened to her!† Danett explains that this is always DeMarcus’ negative attitude towards her, and that these comments always are the heated beginning of a fist fight between them. Argument is â€Å"reason giving† (Benoit 1992; Rowland and Barge 1991) one makes claims and backs them up (Keough 1992). DeMarcus, in order to maintain innocence from accusation, begins to belittle Danett in order to get his innocence across to whoever is listening. The arguer tries to get others to â€Å"recognize the rightness† of his or her beliefs or actions (Benoit 1983, 550). Interpersonal argumentation, then, has a place in our everyday conflicts and negotiations (Trapp 1981, 1989). Orientation to the Conflict The attitudes expressed in the conflict are ones of deceit, regret, close mindedness, unhappiness and a loss of self-esteem. In many ethnic household certain issues are swept under the rug and never discussed causing suppressed feelings and hidden issues. Danett explains: â€Å"I would try to discuss the issues I had with my mother. I felt that since she was once a young girl, like me, she would understand where I was coming from with my  concerns. My mother was very good at trying to make my problems go away through the acts of prayer and faith. My mother tried to make me a firm believer in the motto: Let go and let God. Which in translation means: Let your burdens go and let the Lord handle them; no need to stress. My family was very good about trying not to stress over things and trying to sweep problems under the rug or resolve an issue in a timely and quiet manner. Even though the issue was never discussed again, the emotional and mental scars were there and I felt like I could never trust my brother again and I could never come to anyone in my family with any of my problems. My biggest fear was that the acts of faith I was taking through my cultural and religious beliefs were going to make the situation worse and my fear came true.† A person is supposed to say what he or she means to resolve disagreements through the use of power (as in competition) or by working things out together (collaboration) (Wilson 1992). The problem is that when we are angry, we may exaggerate an offense, seek revenge, and then lead ourselves and others into unproductive and wasteful conflict (Planalp 1999). DeMarcus expressed: â€Å"Danett has always been an over achiever (in sports and academics) and has always captivated the attention of the family. I admit, I always wanted a brother and I say that every day because I don’t understand what others see in her that draws them to her. She makes me feel worthless to others in the family and I treat her how I feel. Thus is why I belittle her and allow things to happen to her because I feel she deserves the treatment I give her.† DeMarcus, aside for the feelings he bestowed above, made it clear that he wanted to make this situation better with his sister. â€Å"I love my sister, don’t get me wrong! At the time, I could understand why I wasn’t treated more like her. I felt unwanted and when I failed in certain areas, she would succeed. This is one of the main problems I have with her. Her ongoing success was acquired during birth and when I was unable to succeed, I started to resent her. When my plans of â€Å"trying to bring her down† didn’t work, I think that when I became more physical and wanted her to be in physical pain as well as emotional.† The noted interest to resolve this  issue between the siblings is very evident. They (the siblings) keep maintaining the fact that they not only want to resolve this issue, but they want to better their relationship with one another. Interest and Goals The role of each person has in the interaction with others is a form of identity goals, and how one wants to resolve the conflict is process goals. I believe that when you open the lines of communication with your colleagues or relatives, everyone is able to approach the problem respectively, than the parties involved will receive a positive outcome that will allow the parties to further their relationship. The main interest and goals of these two siblings, is to come to an understanding of one another’s feelings in order to function as a family and to decrease the rift between them. Both of the parties want to accomplish the same goal, in order to alleviate the consistent arguing. Danett and DeMarcus, though they are both adult and live in separate locations of the United States, believe that the alleviation of this conflict between them will bring them closer together and allow their parents a form of relief from the added stress this conflict has caused. Power According to (Kritek 1994;90) People using dominance (power or control) for their own needs do so out of fear or insecurity. The ability to control one’s environment, including the behavior of others is power. The siblings are exhibiting a balance of power between each other. Danett’s power over DeMarcus comes from her achievements and her existence on this earth, while DeMarcus’ power comes from his insults, his nonchalant attitude towards his family, and his inability to act like an older brother and allow others to take advantage of his sister mentally and sexually, when she was younger. Styles Hearing both sides of the situation and understanding the tactics used in each altercation of conflict, the styles exhibited in this conflict are varied. There are threats, which is a commonly used competitive tactic. We rush to use threats because we believe they are effective (Johnson and Ford  1996; Rubin, Pruitt, and Kim 1994). DeMarcus would threaten Danett and in return a fight would escalate, inflicting both a negative cast of physical and mental pain within one another. This act is also a form of verbal aggressiveness; which is a broader category of communication than threats. Rather than just telling someone what might happen to them, when you use verbal aggression you â€Å"attack the self concepts† of other people (Infante and Wigley 1986). These aggressive tactics overlap and become known as bullying. Bullying is â€Å"ongoing, persistent badgering, harassment and psychological terrorizing†¦ that demoralizes, dehumanizes and isolates those targeted† (Tracy, Lutgen-Sandvik, and Alberts 2004, 3; Lutgen-Sandvik, Tracy, and Alberts 2005). After the massive verbal assaults between the siblings, violence would soon occur between them. Violence is when conflict interactions move beyond threats and verbal aggressiveness, often involving a multitude of physical pain and or danger. These styles are very collective and evolve into one another. Assessment Given all the facts of the conflict, I feel that a third-party intervention should be available for mediation. Meditation is an act of resolving conflict positively between parties using a mediator or third party help. Mediation is defined as a process in which a third-party helps (mediator) to assist in resolving a dispute between two or more parties. A mediator’s role is to facilitate and assist with the communication efforts of the parties involved and to further their focus on tackling real issues and to help generate a positive or neutral outcome. Mediation in this situation will hopefully bring about a positive change with the attitudes of the siblings. Being able to voice opinions, emotions/ feelings to one another will bridge the gap of the sibling’s ongoing rift. Coming to a solution is the main focus of a mediator. The mediator is to create a positive yet productive discussion that will allow the parties to express their concerns amongst each other without criticizing either party’s opinion. Sometimes mediation is used to improve relationship amongst parties that have to consistently work with each other or be around each other. There are many ways to stop the growth of sibling rivalry. Many times it starts at birth with the parents. As a parent, being able to express equal amounts of affection to your children is needed to eliminate this future dilemma. Also being able to listen to a child’s issues and assist them in any form of conflict, weather in school or at home, will make their conflict resolution skills better. DeMarcus and Danett understand that this issue will not disappear after a few sessions with a mediator and are fully dedicated to resolve this problem. The conflict, which has been occurring for several years, has not only called for assistance from a mediator, but also a psychiatrist will be needed to assess the permanent mental damage it has caused throughout their lives. The parents should also be involved in these assessments to decrease the stress and tension amongst the entire family. The parents might be able to give further insight into why this bickering has been an ongoing process amongst the two siblings. Personal Intervention Being able to see and address an ongoing issue is a major step within the lives of these siblings. The fact that they understand that this issue has gone too far and has taken a major toll on their lives as individuals, is a break though that should be applauded. Forgiveness and reconciliation are just the first steps needed to carry the torch in this intervention. Forgiveness allows us to restore ourselves and through forgiveness DeMarcus and Danett can begin to bridge the gap that has been a gaping hole in their lives. Reconciliation will follow as they continue to progress in the resolution of their conflict. Reconciliation will restore them to one another as a result of time; the human desire to transcend injury; the courage to place violation, betrayal, deception, or some other wound in the larger context of additional experience; and perhaps the mysterious effect of what some may call â€Å"grace† will assist in the accomplishing of their goal to become civil towards one another. Attempted Solutions The parities have generated a wide variety of possible solutions. Further research methods and deep considerable thought into this form of conflict may be needed to further understand the deep rooted nature of this relationship between these two siblings. It is very important to develop and  explore as many options as possible when coming to a reasonable solution to a conflict of this magnitude. An approach to apology and reconciliation has been attempted many times but still the two siblings are back to square one in their conflict. Being able to make authentic apologizes through forgiveness is important in this particular conflict. Through apology, reconciliation can be accomplished in order for each party within this conflict to further a relationship with one another. Through mediation and other acts of mental therapy, these issues can be resolved, but it will take time, full cooperation, and commitment of the parties involved. References Benoit, P.J. 1983. Characteristics of arguing from a naive social actor’s perspective. In Argument in transition: Proceedings of the third summer conference on argumentation, edited by D. Zarefsky, M. O. Sillars, and J.Rhodes, 544-559. Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association. Benoit, P.J. 1992. Introduction, special issue: Interpersonal argumentation. Argumentation and Advocacy 29: 39-40. Infante, D.A., and C. J. Wigley III. 1986. Verbal aggressiveness: An interpersonal model and measure. Communication Monographs 53: 61-69. Johnson, C., and Ford. 1996. Dependence power, legitimacy, and tactical choice. Social Psychology Quarterly 59, no. 2: 126-141. Keough, C.M. 1992. Bargaining arguments and argumentative bargainers. In Communication and negotiation, edited by L.L. Putnam and M.E. Roloff, 109-127. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. Kritek, P. B. 1994. Negotiating at an uneven table: A practical approach to working with difference and diversity. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass.  Lutgen-Sandvik, P., S. Tracy, and J. Alberts. 2005. Burned by bullying in the American workplace: A first time study of U.S. prevalence and delineation of bullying â€Å"degree.† Presented at the Western States Communication Convention, February, San Francisco, California. Planalp, S. 1999. Communicating emotion: Social, moral and cultural process. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Rowland, R.C., and J.K. Barge. 1991. On interactional argument. Argumentation and Advocacy 28: 24-34. Rubin, J.Z.,  D.G. Pruitt, and S.H. Kim. 1994. Social conflict: Escalation, stalemate and settlement. 2d ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Tracy, S.J., P. Lutgen-Sandvik, and J.K. Alberts. 2004. Is it really bad? Exploring the emotional pain of the workplace bullying through narratives, drawings and metaphors. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois (November). Trapp, R. 1981. Special report on argumentation: Introduction. Western Journal of Speech Communication 45: 111-117. Trapp, R. 1989. Interpersonal argumentation: Conflict and reason-giving. Communication Reports 2: 105-109. Wilson, S. R. 1992. Face and framework in negotiation. In Communication and negotiation, edited by L.L. Putnam and M.E. Roloff, 176-205. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Biggest Myth About Gmat Essay Writing Samples Exposed

The Biggest Myth About Gmat Essay Writing Samples Exposed 1 aspect where the capacity of humans may initially be regarded as a case of deteriorating minds is the usage of net and mobile phones. Choosing our service, you will understand that studying can be simple if you gain from the help of competent experts. Describe some tasks which you have accomplished over the last two years which do not have any connection to academic studies. As you've already understood, it calls for some distinctive skills including the capacity to allow an in-depth research and analytics. Ruthless Gmat Essay Writing Samples Strategies Exploited Bridget's essay is extremely strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. For example, a lot of the success of your essay depends upon how well you may grab the reader's attention right in the beginning of the paper so the reader can't help but wish to become through the remainder of the essay. The author starts with a ra ther comprehensive story of an event or description of an individual or place. He must search for some solid evidence. Before you're ready to choose a compelling essay topic, first you've got to know why there's an essay in the exact first spot. Locate your own sentence and utilize it each time you compose an essay. Write a great introduction, and the remaining portion of the essay will flow very naturally. The admissions essay a part of the application that may make you stand out as. Up in Arms About Gmat Essay Writing Samples? The increasing number of essay writing services is totally overwhelming. You don't have to give writers any personal info. Ultimately, practicing can help you get used the structure you should employ to be successful on your GMAT essay. Do a bit of research before you get started writing. Use single spacing at this time, so you can see more writing on the paper simultaneously. Your introduction shouldn't be long. This section consists of two examples of fantastic college essays. You're able to read more on the subject of the different citation styles at this site. What Is So Fascinating About Gmat Essay Writing Samples? The scenario will always be shown in the very same form. You won't be requested to write about a particular topic so much as you'll be requested to respond to a certain scenario. In the event the scores differ by more than 1 point, an expert human reader will intervene and determine the last score. Get any kind of an academic or company paper done. It's very valuable to take writing apart to be able to see just the way that it accomplishes its objectives. The very first challenge is to work out the way to offer technology users with some direly-needed direction. While no portion of the GMAT ought to be neglected, the AWA is the base of the the GMAT totem pole with respect to your MBA application. The GMAT is not testing your capacity to decide on the proper side of a problem. It is not easy to make an original essay as it needs a lot of time and knowledge. Inside this introduction, every thing that should be said has been said. So, it's absolutely critical to make that very first impression. You should have your reasons, and our principal concern is that you wind up getting a great grade. There is an immense difference between 9 and 31. This point is anyways not regarding the money saving measures the writer is speaking about. Be cautious not to make your very first paragraph uninformative for instance, a single example with no extra information is not going to be sufficient to convince others of your position. There isn't any reason to reinvent something which works. Cost-free printable lined writing paper for children. Printing has made life a good deal easier. Gmat Essay Writing Samples Secrets That No One Else Knows About Whenever you opt to ask us for skilled aid, don't hesitate to get in touch with our support managers. This conclusion is much too strong, and thus the request for funding isn't well justified. Otherwise, you're most likely to fail the undertaking. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

A Proposal Of Your E Commerce Strategy - 1824 Words

The proposal Part I: a. A plan of your e-commerce strategy is to recommend how Pay-Days can use these methods to promote their e-commerce system, taking into account: You must consider their target audience and what could be done to increase their clientele. What are the different ways in which PlayDays can use to promote their online e-commerce system? The site structure: Customer interface eg ease of use, display of products, personal details entry, credit card entry, other types of payment, delivery details; image; style In order for my client PlayDays to promote themselves in the most effective way possible, it is important that they should focus on the appearance of the UI (User Interface) of the website as this may arguably be the most important area to worry about when a customer is accessing the e- commerce website. If PlayDays has an unprofessional UI for the customers to use, this may be too unattractive or difficult to navigate which could consequently mean losing out on sales or even causing somewhat damage to the reputation of the business as unprofessionalism will lead to customers to lose trust which would surely do more harm than good. Therefore, by putting in the time and effort in the structure of the site in terms of layout and ease of use for users, this may lead to positive word of mouth recommendations which could essentially lead to the promotion of PlayDays amongst its target market. Navigation links clearly displayed s †¦.. PlayDays should useShow MoreRelatedProject Management and Business1537 Words   |  7 PagesExperience Benchmarking / Best Practice / Template Files / ïÆ'” SAMPLE: E-commerce RFP E-commerce Platform and Third-Party Logistics Guidance Notes, Checklist and Templates Sample only, please download the full report from: E-commerce RFP Sample only, please download the full repo rt from: Published 2009 All rights reserved. No part of this publicationRead MoreE Marketing : The Implementation Of Electronic Marketing Essay1350 Words   |  6 Pagesinternet as a way of marketing their products, paving way for e-marketing to grow rapidly. The implementation of electronic marketing has led to a tremendous growth in the shape and nature of the modern businesses worldwide. The rise in the usage of e-marketing devices such as cell phones and e-mail in electronic exchanges may not only create business opportunities but might also eradicate their major threats. 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